

Some common sense of copper molybdenum separation, copper molybdenum separation inhibitor manufacturers to help you

The manufacturer of copper molybdenum separating agent believes that molybdenum can widely coexist in other sulfide ore beds, so it can form polymetallic ores. The copper molybdenum sulfur deposit is a representative associated ore of copper molybdenum. It is difficult to separate copper and molybdenum because copper minerals can coexist with molybdenum ores and have similar floatability.
Copper molybdenum separator manufacturers believe that China is extremely rich in molybdenum resources, accounting for 37% of the world's total, mainly concentrated in Henan, Shaanxi, Liaoning, Hebei and other places, and most of them come from porphyry copper molybdenum deposits. At present, with the development of economic construction, the demand for copper and molybdenum is growing. However, copper molybdenum resources have problems such as poor ore, rich ore, serious co association, many other useful components, fine embedded particle size, similar floatability of molybdenite and copper sulfide ore, etc., and copper molybdenum separation is difficult. Therefore, the research and application of Cu Mo separation technology is particularly important.
Copper molybdenum separating agent manufacturers recognize that the flotation method for copper molybdenum ore treatment is relatively common, with mature technology and good indicators. There are three common flotation methods for copper molybdenum ore: mixed flotation, preferential flotation and equal flotation. Mixed flotation is mostly used in production, but sometimes preferential flotation or equal flotation is also used.
1. Copper molybdenum mixed flotation technology. Copper molybdenum separating agent manufacturers recognize that most copper molybdenum ores adopt the mixed flotation copper molybdenum separation process. Because molybdenite and chalcopyrite have similar floatability and serious association, this process has low cost and simple process.
2. Copper molybdenum preferential flotation technology. For low-grade molybdenum copper ore, the comprehensive recovery of copper should be considered while ensuring the grade and recovery of molybdenum concentrate, and sometimes preferential flotation is more appropriate.
3. Copper molybdenum flotation technology. The manufacturer of copper molybdenum separator recognized that both preferential flotation and mixed flotation require high alkalinity (lime) to separate copper, molybdenum and sulfur. Lime will lead to molybdenum, which is not conducive to the recovery of molybdenum. Equifloating can avoid these problems. Use selective collector to separate copper, molybdenum and sulfur without or with little lime, which has little interference to the next copper and molybdenum separation and molybdenum beneficiation, and is helpful to obtain better indicators.
The manufacturer of copper molybdenum separator recognizes that different separation methods and processes are selected according to different mineral properties. Mineral beneficiation test shall be conducted before determining mineral properties and beneficiation process. Through beneficiation tests, the types and properties of minerals were determined, and valuable elements were recovered. Reasonable process flow and reagent system can be obtained to realize comprehensive utilization of complex polymetallic ores.
Copper molybdenum separating agent manufacturers recognize that in today's world, copper molybdenum ore dressing and copper molybdenum separation process have always been the research and difficulty. Although the related technologies have made great progress, with the technical requirements, some technologies and processes still need to be improved. Therefore, in the future technological upgrading, it is necessary to strengthen the research in this field, the beneficiation level of copper molybdenum ore, and strengthen the copper molybdenum separation process to promote the better and faster development of this field.