

Some knowledge points of copper molybdenum separation technology, copper molybdenum separation inhibitors tell you

Copper molybdenum separating agent manufacturers believe that in China, molybdenum resources are extremely rich, accounting for 37% of the world total, mainly concentrated in Henan, Shaanxi, Liaoning, Hebei and other places, and most of them are from porphyry copper molybdenum deposits. At present, with the development of economic construction, the demand for copper and molybdenum is growing. However, copper molybdenum resources have problems such as poor ore, rich ore, serious co association, many other useful components, fine embedded particle size, similar floatability of molybdenite and copper sulfide ore, etc., and copper molybdenum separation is difficult. Therefore, the research and application of Cu Mo separation technology is particularly important.
1. Copper molybdenum flotation separation technology. The manufacturer of copper molybdenum separating agent thinks that the flotation method for copper molybdenum ore treatment is relatively common, with mature technology and good indicators. In principle, there are three flotation methods for copper molybdenum ore: mixed flotation, preferential flotation and isoflotation. Mixed flotation is mostly used in production, but sometimes preferential flotation or equal flotation is also used.
2. Copper molybdenum mixed flotation technology. Copper molybdenum separating agent manufacturers believe that most copper molybdenum ores adopt the mixed flotation copper molybdenum separation process. Because molybdenite and chalcopyrite have similar floatability and serious association, this process has low cost and simple process.
3. Mixed flotation. Copper molybdenum separating agent manufacturers think that xanthate (butyl xanthate), auxiliary collector hydrocarbon oil (kerosene) and terpineol oil are generally used as foaming agents, and lime and water glass are used as adjusting agents for mixed flotation collectors. Some scholars conducted experimental research on low-grade copper molybdenum ore, and found that kerosene was used as collector, and BK301C was used as auxiliary collector for copper molybdenum mixed flotation, and the copper molybdenum recovery could reach 93.01% and 73%. This index is far superior to other auxiliary collectors.
4. Pretreatment of copper molybdenum separation. Generally, there are two plans for copper molybdenum separation process, namely molybdenum suppression and molybdenum floating. As molybdenite is relatively easy to float, copper suppression and molybdenum floatation are mostly adopted. However, when separating high copper and low molybdenum ores, molybdenum suppression and floating copper process should be considered, because copper suppression will lead to high reagent cost. In addition, molybdenite has good floatability, and inorganic or organic small molecule agents are not easy to play a role, making some macromolecular agents such as dextrin, starch, humic acid, tannic acid, etc. Be utilized.
Copper molybdenum separating agent manufacturers think that there are two schemes for copper molybdenum separation process, namely molybdenum suppression and molybdenum floating. As molybdenite is relatively easy to float, copper suppression and molybdenum floatation are mostly adopted. However, when separating high copper and low molybdenum ores, molybdenum suppression and floating copper process should be considered, because copper suppression will lead to high reagent cost. In addition, molybdenite has good floatability, and inorganic or organic small molecule agents are not easy to play a role, making some macromolecular agents such as dextrin, starch, humic acid, tannic acid, etc. Be utilized.
The above are some knowledge points about copper molybdenum separation. I hope you can seriously study and understand relevant knowledge.